Front CV Shaft

I need a front left cv shaft for my 95 Impreza. Here are the specs:

Compressed Length: 26 15/16"

Female inboard male outboard

Inboard splines: 25

Outboard splines: 27


im a little far but I got tons of them things
Yeah, I doubt you would sell it cheap enough to make up for the gas. I've also been driving on it making noise for at least a month so I would rather not drive all the way there.

I am replacing it tomorrow, whether or not I get one one here. If nobody close has one that's guaranteed good then its a NAPA axle for me.

Well I bought a Napa axle. I was sold the wrong damn one. The database for the parts shows only 1 axle for 95. Its the automatic which has 25 splines. I need one with 23. They had to order it so my car is down until tomorrow.
