Fuel Filter Change


New member
Ok... so I was yankin on the fuel filter for about 30min on Saturday trying to get the sucker out. No dice. What's the secret to getting the two hoses off the filter? Yes I removed the hose clamps.

Those sukas come off real hahd. I use a large flat screwdriver and kinda twist and pry. once they start, it gets easier, but breakin' them free is a beeotch.

Those sukas come off real hahd. I use a large flat screwdriver and kinda twist and pry. once they start, it gets easier, but breakin' them free is a beeotch.
Yuppers. You can also use a pair of pliers on the hose where it is over the end of the filter. Clamp lightly, hard enough the grab the hose but not tare it or crush the filter end. Then twisted the hose with the pliers. Works good to brake them free. Then just keep working them hose!! >


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