Funny Noise


So, after changing rotors and pads on our FXT, I have something rubbing only when I turn left. Somebody tell me what is causing it.

KIDDING! Actually there is a noise. Only when turning left. But I know even you experts can't diagnose noise over the web.

I took everything apart this morning and re-assembled. Still noisy. I went and did some things with my truck, came back and disassembled again. This time loosening and removing one part at a time. Caliper first, caliper bracket, and so on. After removing one piece I would turn the rotor, trying to hear the noise. I took everything off and re-assembled in the same manner. Listening after installing each piece. Something still rubs when turning left. It's not bad,bad but pretty sure it is metal to metal.
I am running WRX wheels (incorrect offset) but didn't notice rubbing last winter. And this sounds more metallic.

I guess I'm(my wife is) going to drive it a couple of days, then I will disassemble again to look for a shiny spot where rubbing is occuring.? I don't know what else to do.

Could the backing plate be rubbing on the back side of the rotor? You may have bent it at some point during the brake job

Why only when turning left? Just enough lateral force on the wheel?

I thought of that or my other suspicion is the lip around the e-brake shoes. It seems that is supposed to "fit" into a groove on the rotor. Know what I mean?

its the backing plate ring that sticks out around the e-brakes usually on the bottom tell me how i know
but the reason for it making noise that the new rotors are thicker than you old rusty ones and that this is also a sign that the wheel bearing is getting play in that is why the noie is only on left turns

Great! I was kinda wondering to myself about possible bearing play.

With 97k on it, issues are bound to arise.

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i had to have the ones on the 06 replaced last month cause of it doing the same thing but but that is the first time i have a rear wheel bearing go on the last 6 turbo'd suabru's and almost all of them have had high miles then it did

You say that you had them replaced? That makes it sound like a job for pros. Not a driveway project?

I've done wheel bearings on my camper trailer and cargo trailer. I have an idea of the basic procedure.

replacing suby wheel bearings is a pretty major PITA esp w/o special tools that only a dealer or specialist shop is likely to have.

yes they can be done shade tree style, but you'll have to pull all 4 knuckles apart and have a press to get old ones out and new ones back in plus huge reassembly and subsequent alignment...def a good value to pay the pros for that job!

not quite like repacking boat trailer bearings....

Thanks Nigel.

I was trying to save a trip to Auburn. It sounds like that might be the best course of action.

F it! I'm jist gonna bang and hack off them dang shields and lips sos nuttin rubs and run 'er!!!

No noise means its fixt, right y'all?


ifyou see where its rubbing you can just grind it down a little or hammer it in some and you will be fine for a while i had mine done guess they were still covered under warr.

I called EG. Bill checked on warranty, no go.

Took it apart again this morning to check for shiny spot(s). A spot toward the hub from that "emergency brake lip". Took a small screwdriver and I could slip it in between the backing plate and that spot more than anywhere else around the lip. Banged that back some. I am by far no expert, but I feel confident in saying there is no side to side, top to bottom, wheel play that would make me suspect a bearing issue.

I guess we'll drive it for awhile and see what happens.

mine didn't have any play in it either except when you have the weight of the car rolling around a corner on it.mine was replace under warr. cause i have less than 60k miles on the 06 xt


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