"Gone Shopping" Picture thread


Okay - so here's what I've got so far! If you want a picture of your car, I have pictures of literally EVERY ODD car. Odds only - and a FEW evens.

Check out the madness!












nice pics redline

not to pick on you, but the pics illustrate a big question/problem I have about about autox in general...

all the photos show cars in heavy understeer mode--even flat-handling cars like the Lotus 7 and Miata. this is exactly what I don't like about autox -- how does heavy understeer show much driving skill, not to mention how high steering angles and high throttle applications on high-grip surfaces are a recipe for all sorts of wear and tear. maybe it's just me, but I HATE understeer, it takes all the fun out of the activity. and the way most ax courses are set, it seems to only be a recipe for more more more understeer. Bleck.

am I the only one who feels this way about cone-bashin?

I can tell you that the red Miata is not understeering in that photo.

the way that car is setup it is actualy hard to get it to understeer with the tires that it is on.

and in AutoX if you are understeering you ain't doin it right.







I've got most of the evens, and a few odds. Wasn't trying to get 'em all this time, wanted to spend more time watching the action
and I only had the 18-70mm the 80-200 was at work where I left my keys so I couldn't get it.

Sorry Nigel i can't see any of those cars understeering.

And like Pedro said if your understeering you're doing it wrong. The skill is to be able to control your car through high steering while keeping as much speed and grip as possible at the same time.

So far, out of 4 events i can think of only 2 points where my car has understeered and here is one of them...


The car just looks uncomfortable.

Oh, BTW great pics jeremy!!!

OK, so the Viper is def not pushing!

Elise looks good, tho that Miata sure looks like it's plowing to me. STick to my earlier post about the subies and evo, most are understeering at least somewhat (tho aspie's is grinding those fronts to effin shreds) :nono: :glasses9:

Maybe it's just the sucky courses I've axed on (ACC, LLBean, etc) but the amount of poosh I was getting just killed the fun. Guess I chould probly start by slowing down a leetle..and junking the "all-ski-sons". :help:

OK, so the Viper is def not pushing!

Elise looks good, tho that Miata sure looks like it's plowing to me. STick to my earlier post about the subies and evo, most are understeering at least somewhat (tho aspie's is grinding those fronts to effin shreds) :nono: :glasses9:

Maybe it's just the sucky courses I've axed on (ACC, LLBean, etc) but the amount of poosh I was getting just killed the fun. Guess I chould probly start by slowing down a leetle..and junking the "all-ski-sons". :help:
The miata is running wider tires than most of the scoobs that show up. and matt has much higher rate springs than factory as well.. that thing is a roller coaster without the hills. (sticky 235 or 245 DOT Rcomps)

you should come out to a few this season. ditch the noseasons or take some rides with the pavement pounders.

Shorty = understeer.

I'm working it out with suspension and tire pressure. The MM event I plowed much less, but I still can't drive worth a can of beans.

"not to mention how high steering angles and high throttle applications on high-grip surfaces are a recipe for all sorts of wear and tear."

Nigel, I have been saying this for years, and I just get skoffed at! :headbang:

"not to mention how high steering angles and high throttle applications on high-grip surfaces are a recipe for all sorts of wear and tear."

Nigel, I have been saying this for years, and I just get skoffed at! :headbang:

oh NOES! won't somebody think of the tires!


My #80 mobile doesn't understeer even at our slow auto-x speeds where it handles completely neutral. Looks like it in the picture too.

Most understeer problems in auto-x comes from poor driving. Which means that red miata is not understeering. Matt can friggen out drive the best of 'em.
