Good part time job

I know FedEx is constantly hiring, they had a job at the airport unloading planes for like 11.30/hr or something like that. It was like 7-10:30 pm, 5 days a week ... benefits and all. Only thing is it takes forever to get hired there. You have to attend an application session and then they call you when they need you. They ended up calling me 4 months after I started another job .. haha fudge you guys! :headbang: You could check it out, I dunno about UPS or anything.

I've heard decent things about Time Warner too, never checked that out tho.

LL Bean is hiring for the upcoming season. Stores, stocking, call centers. Wicked

employee discounts if you happen to like their stuff. My wife has done the call

center in Bangor twice. Generally nice people to work with.


Xmas motto- If it didn't come from LL Bean, it didn't come from us.

the call center isn't bad, but the warehouse sucks. the people that i know that've worked there the last few years say that every year they hire more people and all of them work less. you'll get hired for 30hrs and work 6. :BangHead:

I know FedEx is constantly hiring, they had a job at the airport unloading planes for like 11.30/hr or something like that. It was like 7-10:30 pm, 5 days a week ... benefits and all. Only thing is it takes forever to get hired there. You have to attend an application session and then they call you when they need you. They ended up calling me 4 months after I started another job .. haha fudge you guys! :headbang:
HAHAHA, Ya and if you do get hired there in the morning you'll be working for me.( I'm a Ramp Agent a PWMR) And it's $11.89 starting for handlers now. Come on don't you want to wake at O'dark:30 with me ?

i have two years of ramp exp. worked for NEA was defacto incharge of northwest ground ops.

and no way in hell am i doing 0 dark 30 for anything less then 15 an hour haha

so yeah. still looking for a part time gig. anyone have any new ideas or openings?

or hell a new full time gig for that matter! haha

so yeah. still looking for a part time gig. anyone have any new ideas or openings?

or hell a new full time gig for that matter! haha
I don't know, but it seems like there should be lots of places hiring for the holidays right now. LL Bean always has openings in their call center this time of year.

Full time you can check out Cintas in westbrook, over on spiller drive (off Saco). I believe we are hiring route guys right now as well as a couple of plant positions. PM if you want more info.

As for part time i second the LLBean idea, or anything in just the mall area should be hiring.
