Group Drive pics!


New member

Everyone meeting up in the Auburn Park and ride.



Scenic Vista in Rangely


All the cars lined up!

I just want to pet them all... they look so schweeeeet...

Awesome day, apparantly. Kicking myself for not going. Sigh... boss wanted me to play paintball with his son. Good times nonetheless.

Hey, is that an Obsidian Black wagon I see? Or is that Regal Blue like mine?

Very nice picture splice Runnah! Very nice.

3 white

3 blue

3 red

6 silver-ish

1 black

see on the right where the big drift is...I'll give you one guess who did that...

the skid marks stop right in front of his car...

see on the right where the big drift is...I'll give you one guess who did that...

the skid marks stop right in front of his car...