Help guys... removing dents from exhaust pipe


New member
So my buddy let me use his CR250 last week while I was up north. However, I ended up putting a couple good size dents in the exhaust pipe. As of right now I have the pipe filled with water and sitting in my freezer... I'm hoping this method will pop the dents out. Anyway, if this doesn't work, what else can I do? Can I bring it somewhere to have the dents pulled out for cheap? These pipes are pricey and really don't want to have to buy a new one...

If you can reach it with a broom stick or other similar device sometimes you can push them out from the inside. Sounds like a tough situation. But, it must be nice to have a buddy like you, actually concerned about giving back something borrowed in good shape.

Psot a pic. Maybe other will have good ideas.

I mean, I can't imagine that I can't bring it somewhere to have it fixed... an exhaust shop or weld shop maybe?

weld a stud to the dent and use a slide hammer to pop it out. Cut stud off and grind smooth. But its exhaust, it might tear or leave pin holes if you're not very careful.

Rip off a fender and twist the handle bars he will never notice.

Well now I'm screwed. I checked the pipe this morning in the freezer. The dents were both gone, but it split down the middle on the other side

Looks like I'm gonna be droppin $170 for a new pipe. FML!

I wouldn't mind trying but it looks like she is toast. Getting back to shape and holding it would be a trick. Send me a pm if you want me to try.

hate it when what sounds like a great idea backfires instead = Law Of Unintended Consequences

mebbe the guys what tried it with success before were un-denting pipes that wasn't welded?
