Help me prioritize my repairs!


New member
OK so I am in need of some repairs to the old rig. Being that I am not able to do it all at once due to financial reasons I need to choose what gets done in which order.

So far I need:

New rear struts (clunking)

New clutch (sitting at home, needs install)

Tie rods/ball joints

Timming belt

Various seals (Engine related)


control arm bushings

Laterallink bushings (maybe)

2 rust spots on the rear quater where the bumper meets the body.

Complete fluids replacement. (not over due, but might aswell)

Timming belt

New clutch (sitting at home, needs install)

Tie rods/ball joints

New rear struts (clunking)

control arm bushings

Laterallink bushings (maybe)

Various seals (Engine related)


Complete fluids replacement. (not over due, but might aswell)

2 rust spots on the rear quater where the bumper meets the body.

There's your order... batched them too, for efficiency.

Ouch that's a lot of stuff. First thing you need to do is remove the radiator cap, slide old car out, slide new car in, reinstall radiator cap. Done.


I am going to be facing some of these issues soon, myself. What I am starting to think about is: Am I keeping the car for several years to warrant putting a bunch of money into it?? That is to me the first priority.

What "Hairy" says sounds to me like a good plan. I might consider the body work a little further up so it doesn't get much worse.

Your clutch is paid for. Timing belt is very important.

Plugs and wires are pretty affordable, a couple hours labor, tops. Those could go in most any time.

Seals: Ecks is probably right. Pull engine to change clutch, seals. EECH!!

evilaspie's approach=easiest in the short run, sign your name. You wanted to go fondle those new WRXs!

Have fun, Run. Let us know what you decide.
;D >

And if you buy a used but newer car you're still in a payment and possibly doing some of the above repairs.

There ya go Run. I'll bet being clubmates, friend and all Pedro will practically give you his WRX. Come on Pedro, Run's a good guy. Just trade him titles.
;D 8) >

Ooooh, Mikes Rex looks sweet. We all know how pickey he is too.

You already got the clutch, pull the engine, put that in. What seals are leaking? VC gaskets, cam and cank seals, all cheap stuff. I have some freebe's laying around (exhaust gaskets, cam seals) that'll help out. You'll need those. Timing belt is about $60 for a good (read OEM) one. DON'T waste $ on a junk one from Parts R Us. That's a pretty crucial piece.

Yo don't have to pull the engine for most seals, but do 'em while it's out. Mucho easioso.

Good wires, $50, wait till it skips. OEM plugs for that are like $2ea. Don't be a cheapskate!

Tie rod and BJ, are they clunking? Is so, pronto. But not till the clutch, you already bought it. The BJ would cost you like $30. Inner or outer TR?

Worry about the struts come sticker time.

Control arm bushings can wait, if it ain't to bad.

Lateral link bushings? Really? That can wait if it isn't metal to metal.

Body work. A hole to fix is a hole to fix. Don't matter much if it's a big one or a small one.

There. Not that anyone has ever listened to me before.


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