Hesitation under 3k


New member
I've been having some issues with my MY00 2.5rs hesitating under 3k rpms. Not rpm dependent, in nuetral revving that far everything is fine. No new CELS thrown.

I've replaced all 4 spark plugs and wires (they were due anyways).

I even put in a bottle of fuel system cleaner.

The only other things I could think of are:

Clogged intake/exhuast

Coil pack

Compression loss.

No MAF replace/clean since I ain't got one.

Anything I am missing or any suggestions?

Long shot... but when was the fuel filter changed?
Not sure, but not in the 5k since I've had it. I'll have to go through the records to see.

It almost feels like a boost cut so I am leaning towards fuel issues.

If you want we can go for a ride and throw the laptop on it. I have the TARI software and use the AccessPort cable to hook-up under the dash.


I'll have to get in touch with you in the next couple of days.

Unless I can figure it out by then!

I'm free saturday morning. Might be able to squeek in a hour in the evening sometime this week too. Just let me know so I can grab the AP cable out of the wrx and make sure the laptop is charged.

fuel filter got done on the RS about a year-and-a-half ago, so that's not likely to be the culprit.

didn't you say something about oil leak in one of the plug holes recently? ought to fix that first before diving into other stuff.

ran into a similar situation on a friend's RS, hesitation on initial pickup. replaced plugs, plug wires, coil pak to no avail. he eventually got it fixed at a garage, but I don't know what the outcome was.


I met a guy today at the dealership with the same issue. I think his was a little more serious than whatyour explaining, nonetheless I will find out what they did to repair it.

my RS does the same thing, intermittently, right around 3k, not all the time. plugs and wires newish, cat is new (30k) random tech, not much to clog. Al thought it might be the coil, but it doesn't do it enough to worry. no CEL. just drive it ;D

Another possiblity is that the knock sensor is on it's way out. Had that one happen on both our Foresters. When the ECU pulls timing, the car *really* feels dead. If you floor it, the power picks up when it hits about 3k rpm...

Definitely hook it up to a scanner and pull any pending codes. Until you do that you're just guessing.


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