high temp sealer


New member
so my EGT probe is leaking. and with out welding on a nut that i just don't have time or the resources for. is there anything else i can use to seal that? will high temp RTV or something work??

for my oil pan turbo returnline iam using a tap and threader, jb weld and black rtv hightemp seal. i have a tap set if ya need them.

black rtv wont do it, its fine for oil (180deg) but not exhaust (1000deg). try getting some copper plate (~1mm) and making a gasket. jb weld makes a high temp version but it may not be for something that hot, you'd have to check the back of the box.

that's the biggest problem is getting things to hold up to the 1000degree + temps. and it's on pipe so like a washer isn't going to seal any better then anything.

auto meter sells a weld in bung for like $7 which im gonna buy eventully, but i'm a good welder but im not good enough to tackle that, and no exaust shop i've talked to will even touch a job like that.

will muffler cement come back off?? cause i want to take out that probe to weld the bung on properly at some point. the header just isn't thick enough to get a good tap on.

Don't they also sell a tape for wrapping exhaust holes? You'd think you could cut up some of that, layer it, and put a hole through it and use it like a washer.

take the exhaust off bring the egt and a nut that it screws into to your welder or bring it to nead and ryan will weld it for like $25 I have some bungs left from my fmic but they are alum a nut should work.

yeah nead sucks dont go there.

if you want rennen in brunswick could probably do it, and timmons machine shop in windham could definetly do it. i'll be in there on monday afternoon to talk with the owner about some welding work. he bulids circle track cars from scratch and can do pretty much anything.

theoretically i could do it, im a pretty good welder, but the exaust is so thin that i would be worried about burning through it. and takeing the header off is such a huge pain in the ass i'd rather do it in car if at all possible.


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