How is this possible??


New member
So we were working on the car tonight, when I noticed (as Peter is creeping along under it) that one of the jack stand was not even touching the car.

Would someone care to explain to us how this would be possible.

The car seems pretty darn sturdy on the other three.



You should be happy your car's chassis isn't saggy enough to bend down to meet the jack stand. ;D Its just because its not level, no big deal just leave the stand where it is.

answer is simple

car is bent

floor is bent

jack stand is bent

something else is bent (or tires not same diameter, one tire is soft, etc etc)

see? easy! >

my rally car sits tall and happy on 3 stands, the 4th one is at least 1/4" off the ground. stiff (bent) chassis? naaaawww....eet eeez imPOSSeeble!

oh i'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for it.

We just thought it was kinda weird that the car would rest no problem on only three. Especially only having one in the front where there are heavy things, like the engine.
