How to Post pictures Via DROID


DRiVe SiDeWayZ
So I noticed one member had trouble so I thought I would write this up.

I'll add screen shots when I find another camera instead of my phone.

First, when you add a reply or post to an existing or creating a thread, in order to add pictures, you must use the "Use Full Editor"

This can be found at the bottom of the text box to the right of the "Post"

Second, Scroll down to where it says "Attachments"

Third, Touch, "Choose File" From there you can choose the Gallery(pictures), Music or Voice recorder(audio)

Forth, Go into the Gallery, and select the file by touching it.

Fifth, Once the file address is shown next to "Choose File" touch "Attach This File"

Sixth, once you see the image appear as a thumbnail above "Choose File" scroll to the right and touch "Add To Post." This will insert the file address into your post to post your picture.

Repeat steps 3 through 6 to upload as many items as you want.

When finished, touch "Add Reply" below the "Attachments" window.

Hope this helps some of you guys and girls out!!

iPhone 4s > Droid

Jus sayin'

Its technically called Android by the way

There are a bunch of good Android screenshot apps that don't require you to be plugged into a computer to use. I use ShootMe but it requires root permissions.

Thanks for writing this Justin. I use photobucket mobile, but its still nice.


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