I can haz turbo

Ty Ty

New member
Yes I can...


Towing in style now.

????RIP Jeep???? The only thing that came to mine is cash for clunckera.

My simple my iz confuzed. Duramax FTW

Haha, nope, RallyJeep is still alive and well. Misfire issue is actually mostly gone away now. Uncle traded in the '97 GMC 2500 for this. I tend to use his stuff more than he does, heh. Tis the Audi tow rig.

The '97 had 67k on the clicker, and I put on 50k of them, hehe.

Nice truck!! That's what I'd get if I ever needed a truck........and had the money for one:lol:

It's pretty damn nice on the inside too. Driving it home tonight, I was like "Wow...the rest of my cars are piles of scrap..." Hahaha.

so does that mean i get to ride to the auto-x in style? :-P... the gf might actually be running my audi, i think i am going to buy El Cheapo tire for it tomorrow and do an oil change, so there will be two audis running.. lets see if my supeior tarmac skillz can win out over your better tires and weight reduction

Loaded up and ready to get spanked by cars with 3x more power. Perhaps I should put the interior back in tonight...haha.



Since there are already like 20 classes already, hows aboot a new "lifted rallycar class"?
