Inski alignment question

Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
would Ye Esteemed Monsieur Inski be willing to share specs for his famous "Inski Sharp" alignment ??

PM me if it's a secret...I R sooo tired of my 05 rex wag eating up rear tires, time to align thet suckA, heh it's an investment in extended tire life.

Its not a secret, just a fancy name.

I put front camber to as far negative as possible, but they have to be even, same both sides. On WRXs its right around -0.9 degrees to -1.1 degrees. If I can get -0.9 on one side and only -0.7 on the other side I put both at -0.7

Front toe to zero.

Rear toe to zero

If that is so why did you not adjust my rear toe to Zero? you just left it with in "spec" which I thought was odd. cause you always have set all toe to ZERO in the past and my tires loved you for it.I have .25 positive total toe in the rear and 0 toe total in the front.

wearing the insides and lower than stock? pretty much guaranteed to be toed out.

yes, wearing the insides, no to lower than stock.

ok ok ok I admit suspension is BONE STOCK:eek:
(I want as much wheel travel as I can get) well not totally stock, there's a full set of Energy PU bushings down under there someplace

I do think there's some rear toe out action happn'n, the PO was a rallyX fiend and no doubt she wanted as much rotation at the back as possible

what about rear camber settings? what is stock, what's the next step up.


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