intercooler paint


New member
Just picked up a new intercooler and scoop and I was thinking of painting the intercooler. It is too shiny for my dirty wagon. I was considering useing a ceramic header paint on it. Not sure if the paint will create problems with cooling once the unit is heatsoaked. I figured it would resist heat initially, just not sure how it will react after heat soak. Looking for some helpfull input.

yes. the ceramic header paint will keep the intercooler from intercooling.

the ceramic part of the paint blocks most of the heat transfer.

there are specific paints for intercoolers.. I know that they are listed somewhere on

Would take longer to cool down after soak. You'd basically be turning your IC into a crock pot - ceramic would keep it from cooling down as fast as if it were bare metal.

But hell - if you don't mind, I say Rhino Line that bastige. It'll last forever.

I think Grimmspeed actually was messing with a paint for the intercooler?? I dont remember details, but they were testing some type of coating. I believe that was on NASIOC also.
