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woah baby... stand clear of that when it's being inflated!

true story: I know a guy (used to supply my parents house with 2 cords of wood every fall) that we called "George the Wood Man". He was inflating one of his tires on his dumptruck and it blew on him. It literally shattered his jaw and put him in a life-threatening situation. He had to have MAJOR facial reconstruction surgery, and to this day still has difficulty speaking.

i dont doubt it for a second. the tug tires are inflated, but the 757 tires are even more so.

not sure off the rop of my head, but i think betw 190-220psi

people have been killed by using high pressure nitrogen instead of low pressure. gotta figure one of those tires weighs 310lbs, so if it comes apart at 210psi+, you're just dead.

here are the badboy brakes that stop them lol. have some pistons?

its an airbus , a little smaller than a 757, same idea though.


How much would a set of those run me for the GC
I have a feeling the weight alone would make it hard to even go ... no wonder they stop so well

yea. those are about the same weight, around 340 each. 2 per axle. 4 per plane.

757 has 8 of them lol. SUCKS TO CHANGE

Talk about heavy duty. Those friggen brakes are massive. You must have a lift set up just to put them into place, eh? Same with the wheels. In Snap-on catalogs, I always see a wheel lift "for extra heavy wheels" Now I know what they mean.

wheels are a one man job, just a big fork lookin thing, use it like a fulcrum, big thread protector goes on the axle so you dont kill the threads, easy on, easy off.

the brakes? not so much, i mean yea, we do them one person sometimes. just one quick dead lift and its on, just ligt with the legs lol. most of the time its a tweo person job just so you dont kill yourself
