I managed to pick up some leather seats for my car. They're great, except they're not heated. I want to make them heated. The kits online are pricey, DIY to the rescue.... any junkyards should I hit to try and snipe some heating elements,relays, wiring, etc out of cars? Not sure what yards would have what I want for cheap. (any insight Gabe
Also interested in yards that have junked GD imprezas... Looking for good rear quarter panel to make a tiny patch for mine.
And... To make this thread useful after I've found out what I want, I'll make a list of yards that you guys suggest and append it to the top of this post as a resource, so feel free to post yards you know of, short description, contact info, etc.
Also interested in yards that have junked GD imprezas... Looking for good rear quarter panel to make a tiny patch for mine.
And... To make this thread useful after I've found out what I want, I'll make a list of yards that you guys suggest and append it to the top of this post as a resource, so feel free to post yards you know of, short description, contact info, etc.