Lets see those Suby snow pics from the spring storm


New member



I see them snowy red wagon pics!

The night one is coolest.

I'll take some of my beater as soon as I get more java into me.

nice pix! mine was burried out in the driveway.. I went to brush it off and broke the damn brush and bashed my fingers all to hell.. >

I am almost done with this snow crap

I could hear the icey crust on top of the snow dragging on the belly of my car when I was getting it out of this spot on the lawn. Once I felt the front wheels lift up I gunned it so I wouldn't get stuck. Give 'Er Some!

Oh believe me I gave it a good thrashin' but the snow was just too high at the end of the driveway. I didn't have enough room to get any speed, oh and it was in reverse. She's out now all is well.




We got 9 inches in Naples. I didn't dare try to plow the pile at the bottom of the driveway, it was bad enough trying to get off the lawn. Thankfully that mound o'slop is gone now.

oh look what i missed DAMN!!!! hahaha not

instead everything is frozen down here most people couldn't even open thier doors on thier cars

my girls brother had to open his door with a claw hammer
