Light Bar


N/A All The Way!!
Looking for a light bar for an '07 Impreza...without the $260 price tag at

mmmm.... ill fab one up for you. what kind are you looking for. i have made a couple for some mainlysubaru people. let me know what your looking for.

that's awesome! I took a look at your WRB WRX and I'm thinking about the bar which holds the lights to the left and right of the license your's pictured here...

I would attach two Hello 500s, just like you did. Also, what would you charge for a rig like this?

Haah Thanks!! i loved that setup! i thought about the lower on my waggin but cant decide... I could rig something good for ya! oh ill send you a pm about the info!

sounds like sushi needs to roll out production, and become a vendor! the kiddies on nasioc would eat these up !
You know phil, iv'e thought about that, haah and true "the kiddies on nasioc would eat these up"

Looks like this thread is bringing some business Sushi's way! Who else wants one?
