Long Day!


Parts Pimp
So, as most of you know, I purchased Nigel's 00 RS Coupe a few weeks ago.

Well, the car had a known mis-fire issue in the number 1 cylinder. I was given another motor with the car, so that when it went, I'd be prepared. Lucky for me I brought the motor home on tuesday afternoon. The car once in a while would buck and sputter, but usually it went away. This morning I started pulling parts off the new motor to be powdercoated, in preparation for the motor swap in 2 weeks. I ran a bunch of errands today, and at about 4:30pm, I was leaving the powder shop to go pick my son up from daycare. My car had some other plans for me apparently. The compression had dropped about 60-70psi in that one cylinder. So, I made other arrangements for my son, and started on the swap process. My partner in Crime at Powder Plus, Uri Cormier finished powdercoating all of the parts that I had removed in the morning. We were going to bring the parts to a show this weekend where we'll have a booth. So, now we're going to bring the whole car, and just pop the hood. We powder coated the valve covers, alt/AC bracket, PS fluid top, and some other small stuff. Then we took a mildly ported intake manifold I had kicking around *Thanks Erik!* and ceramic coated it for better heat resistance/transfer. I spent the afternoon/evening removing the motor, by myself. It was a little bit of a process, thanks to a few very stuck exhaust manifold studs/nuts. Once those were cut off, the motor was out before I knew it, and I then realized that at one point or another, my car was a home for a mouse or squirrel or something. So, while we had the motor out, I removed all of the AC crap, since it wasn't even charged, and I NEVER use it. (Time to find something creative to use the A/C button for!) In case anyone is wondering, removing all of the A/C Stuff under the hood net's about 22lbs! I also doused the whole thing in purple power, and will wash it all out tomorrow morning. I removed a few useless brackets, and finally decided to call it a night!

Tomorrow morning will consist of a run to the parts store for all the typical stuff, as well as putting all new power and ground wires on, with gold connectors, just for good measure. I'm debating on removing the ABS while I'm at it, but that's still kinda up in the air. Then I'll install all of the new parts on the motor, and drop the sucka in! Hopefully it will all be done by 5, so I can pick up my son tomorrow on time! Sometime in the next week or so, I'll get the old motor apart, and figure out the mystery of why that cylinder was low on compression. Wish me luck!


That's the link for a pic of some of the new parts going on the car tomorrow!

Oh yeah Chris, do you happen to know if that clutch was anything good? This is the motor out of the silver RS that mike bought from you.

Yes, clutch was dandy. Double check the timing cover. It ran well after the accident, but I could hear a pulley or something rubbing, something got pushed into the timing cover. Might even pull off the timing cover off and make sure no timing components are messed up...like a chewed tensioner or the belt frayed. Good peace of mind for you.

All of the timing components and such looked great! Did the swap in a day, but I left the inspection plate on the bottom of the block still on, that got bent up into the bellhousing, and made a horrible racket. Spent yesterday afternoon removing that plate (had to seperate the block and bellhousing a little to get it out) and she's doing very well! Picked up a strange misfire, and some kind of vaccum leak. It's coming out of the sensor on the throttle body opposite the TPS. So, tommorow will consist of new plugs and wires, I already switched coil packs, and maybe grinding a little bit of the powder off. I mistakingly didn't grind any of the altenator bracket, and that caused a charging issue, that is now resolved. Although the misfire didn't come around until I fixed the altenator ground. I also ground off one of the mounting pegs for the coil pack, might try cleaning the coating off all 3. And I'm going to probably switch to my throttle body, since the one of the other motor sticks a little bit.

All in all though, it wasn't a bad job at all. Glad to have my subi back!


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