Looking for 99 to 01 rs parts.


New member
Im looking for a 99 to 01 rs front bumper cover, rs hood, 02 to 03 rear sway bar, coilovers to fit a 99 rs or kyb gr2 struts, lowing springs. If you have any of these parts let me know asap.

have a set of lowering springs currently on my RS. They will be getting swapped for tall-boy King Springs within a couple weeks. If that works for your time frame lemme know.

like to come get the hood an if you still have the bumper to but i would like pics on that. Just let me know where I could get the stuff

like to come get the hood an if you still have the bumper to but i would like pics on that. Just let me know where I could get the stuff
I don't think the bumper is available anymore

Gotta jump on that stuff when it's available,Chris! Stuff doesn't collect dust around this forum,'bout time you joined up!

well if he would have sent me a pic so i could see the crack i would have jumped on it, not going to drive 2 hours so have it to where it couldn't be fixed.

Im not saying that. I just like to know what im buying first. I dont know you all I asked was a pic. I have heard all good stuff about you. But I didnt want to throw 100 plus for a cover that couldn't be fixed. I have faith your stuff is good. I dont want no hard feeling.

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there are none and i might have another rs bumper cover coming in the next day or so and just to let you know i wouldn't have bought it if i didn't think it was fixable but $100 isn't bad cause new they are $230+ at most dealerships which my price is way less then half.

the lowering springs are of unknown vintage, unknown mfr. I just know they are low and stiff. car drives great on pavement (rids a lil ruff tho) but I'm looking to raise the ride height back to stock or even higher. right now there's not enough clearance i the wheel wells to run 205-65-15 gravel tires or my big fat new Hakka snows.

these springs would be cheap, $100 or BO

I would want the bumper cover if you get it but I just want to make one trip down for the hood an cover if you still have the hood. Sorry for the mix up in words.

how much do they lower the car? sorry for the questions
heh, I KNEW you were gonna ask that! lowering is between 1 and 1.5 inches.. next time I lay eyes on a stock RS I'll whip out the measuring tape so we know for sure.
