Looking for a 99rs trunk


Hey guys, looking to buy a trunk for my 99 rs. I'll take any color really. my car will be STM when repainted, but it's not a big deal. The trunk can have the stock coupe spoiler or be wingless, either one works for me. Shoot me a pm or send me a text 838-7837.

ALSO: looking to sell an sti trunk, don't know details like what version and stuff really. Willing to do trunk swap also! If anyone wants pics of that let me know.

sweet! thanks! still looking for that trunk, will trade for the version 6 trunk if anyone is interested

Trunk 1.jpg

If what you have is actually the V.6 STI trunk a trade would be fine, but if it's the one off a coupe, I would be looking to sell because that's what I already have on the car. I'm sure you know what this trunk is worth better than I do, so you tell me what it would be worth to you.


well,the spoiler is a JDM STI Ver.6 spoiler and trunk,I know as I took it off a swapped GC myself and traded the stock GC spoiler I had on the RS....this trunk is worth some cashola,Sooch.....don't just give it away....

You guys play nice with him,I can't believe none of you "has any clue" what these things " are worth"......please help him along the way,don't fleece him.

I know, I'm looking for a price online but struggling, pm me what you think is a fair price. Im strugglin' haha

I think this works hopefully! as you can see, rust bubbling on the left side. other than that the thing is pretty great.

DSCN1084 2.jpg


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that's fine by me, Apollyon, Im still interested in buying your trunk if you don't want my trunk.

My advice...buy a trunk,sand the SURFACE rust and recoat it when you paint the rest of the car,and sell it on RS25,the rust on it isn't compromising,but that's my two cents
