Looking for summer tires


New member
One of my tires cannot be repaired now because of the amount of times it had to be plugged. I am looking for some used summer rubber for 16 inch rims with less then 20k miles on them. They at least should last me for a few summers. Prefer even wear and not swiss cheese from nails.

I can look at Suby to see if we have something for you. What is the most you want to spend? That will let me know what to look for.

I will check tomorrow (SAT) I'm not sure what is there. Monday I can look upstairs in parts to see. I will try to do this fast for you if you are in a hurry.

I will check tomorrow (SAT) I'm not sure what is there. Monday I can look upstairs in parts to see. I will try to do this fast for you if you are in a hurry.
No rush, I don't have to worry replacing them until I have the car inspected in june.

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