I just picked up STi springs for my '02 wagon from my buddy. I believe that they require 04+ top hats in the rear though. So I'll have to decide what I'm going to do about that.
Any input on that?
yes 04+ style REAR tops (fronts are fine)- you'll also need the tic spacer to retrofit the 02/03 style struts so they will fit properly w/ the 04+ tops
Scooby921 Strut Spacers Turn In Concepts
If your worried about saggy butt, paranoid fabrication just came out w/ some different spacers- 3/8" should bee very, very close
and just so no one is confused on the two different spacers- the first goes under the top to insure a proper fit between the strut (02/03) and the top (04+), the other spacers go on top of the strut tops- they are simply do help balance out ride heights