Losing headlight


New member
08 wrx I keep losing just my driverside low beam. Replaced bulb, made sure fitting was clean, worked for a week. Anyone have any ideas other than start chasing?

I had the same problem with my '06. After I replaced the leads that attach to the bulb itself, the issue went away.

Are you using bulbs that are higher wattage than what is called for?

The silverstar light bulbs are made to be brighter than a standard halogen bulb. When they make them brighter, they give up bulb life. I'd also look into the connector as well. It can't hurt really.

I went through like 4 Sylvania Silverstars in just a few months in my old Impreza. I gave up on them as they were so expensive and I stopped blowing bulbs. Not saying that's definitely your issue, but worth the thought.

I know the ultras burn out quick. Nah I don't touch the glass, connections are clean. I really don't think its blowing bulbs, they don't look burnt. I'm definitely thinking its a wiring issue.

have you taken the bulb that "went out" and put it in on the passenger side to see if it works? if it does--->wiring problem

Sylvania Silverstars are junk. If you can find them here (doubtful), get Osram Silverstars.

Same company, different bulb.

My issue was that the wiring would blow the bulbs. My plastic surrounding the connectors was crispy and falling apart along with the insulation on the wires. I'm really not sure what caused the issue.
