Lumpy Runnin'

Mr Mike

New member
This problem was occuring before the timing belt install fyi

The car (02 wrx) is idleing at around 500 rpm, or just below actually. It has some hickup/loss of GO!!! just before 3000, like a flat spot in the power band. Idle is lumpy, as if I were running low octane, but I am getting no miss fire warning from the cel.

I am running a K&N filter and the plugs are a year old +, So i am leaning toward bad plugs and a dirty mass air flow sensor....

I have no real question here, just picking brains... or what ever you may have in place of a brain LOL LOL LOL


mil???? explain....

ahhhh the ever sneaky vac leak.... i'll check that out tomorrow... I'll be sure to keep the starting fluid away from the turbo LOL


No prob, I'll check one out reeeeeal good.

LOL CEL is on yes, but due to bank 2 O2 sensor below tolerance (open exhaust). that's the only code on there though, i check it every week just keep tabs on things.

Malfunction Indicator Light ;D
HA HA HA HA HA.... I wonder who thought that one up.... the light on the dash says CHECK ENGINE so I have always called it a ......... check engine light... huh imagine that.....

wouldnt a light and an indicator be the same thing??? I could see Check Engine Indicator..... or Engine Malfunction light perhapse

sorry I would beat this up any more

Mike ( an old VW mech, we not know about fancy terms)

ahhhh some thing lost in translation I bet

Either way I'm gonna clean the maf sensor and check for vac leaks this weekend, maybe reset the comp too, a can of dry gas wouldnt hurt either. How do these things do with injection cleaner???

MAF was filthy.... I cleaned that up and it brought the idle back up to where is should be, smoothed things out a bit too.
I still say I could be better though.



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