March 2013- Sea Dog Topsham Group Meet

Wont make it but sweet place to eat/drink!

Maybe next time!

It's time to kick ass, and chew bubblegum... and i'm all outta gum

I'm not gonna go. Stupid poop on this end pissing me off, so I'm just gonna give this a miss. Oh well.

yep!!!  we tore up 201 pretty good until we settled in at the 99.   seadog wasnt willing to budge a little to seat the 17 of us together so we moved on!!!

This was one of the funnest meets I've been to, it had everything; confusion (where do we go, where did they go), intrigue (now where do we go), drama (that dude in the wrx almost smashed into me), comedy (that dude in the wrx almost smashed into me) and fine dining (99 steakhouse like a boss). Thanks to Carter, but more importantly thanks to Garrett LOL


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