Mem Day Wkend, "Silly Scooby Stunts" thread

Nigel Prodrive

Dirt surfer
so I bolted the Rotas and Yoko R-comps onto the wag this weekend just for fun...

tested the sticky tires en route to some errands...tipped over a toolbox in the back, and slid the dog across the back seat, so yeh, they got grip

and then...

and then....

went to Lowes and bought a whole bunch of home improvement stuff, including a 24' extension ladder. How many r-comp shod wags with looong ladders on the roof you seen lately? whisht now I'd tooken some pics, this might have been a truly unique combo on the roads...


i strapped on the Michelin Dirty Dirties! and into the woods for a few nights of fun.

saw a moose, a deer, 3 fox, 2 rabbits, and a gazillion bugs half of which are on my windscreen!!!

We drove across Bear Notch. I wanted to see how far I could coast down the back side. Coasted very far. Then, then we went up to the tippity top of the Kanc and coasted back down. Coasted very far again.
