Merry Christmas Eve...


New member
Freakin' phone system in Salt Lake City raisin the bed this morning. WTF? It could'nt have done it earlier this week when I was out there? The UPS decided it was time to throw in the towel and died. So nothing like trying to round up someone in the office in Utah at 8AM mountain time to drive to the office and meet an Avaya tech. And of course Avaya doesn't have a replacement at their local depot in SLC so they have to ship one in. Now we have to schedule the swap on Tuesday night as the system runs off of the other network gear's UPS.

At least it gave me something to do today other than shop.

Yaah, Cisco VoIP... I'll get right on installing that less reliable system. At least they finally made a LINUX version to replace their original Windows based phone system. EECH!

I'm a Telecom Engineer.
