MIG welder


I'm looking for a MIG welder. Flux core, don't want gas. Needs to be 120v... cheap and working. That's about it.

I don't need to do pretty welds, just strong ones. I'm not looking to spend a lot, but post up what you've got!

I can do trades too. For parts I have that you want (not much) or labor?

Harbor Freight. that's where I got mine and it works pretty well for what it is. I got a "refurbished" one and it was all brand new. And it was cheap

I'm keeping my Matco.

best bet is to go to lowes and get a new one, they are cheap lincolns but like most MIGS you can use them for flux core or regular gas and wire. The only problem you'll run into wanting to use flux core is the sheath and tip inside diameter. Most are set up for regular gas and wire. Flux core might be a very large diameter requiring changing the sheath and tip. Might not. You should look into that. Heres a little chart, http://www.hobartwelders.com/elearning/

if you pick a wire that fits your MIG SHEATH YOU SHOULD BE GOOD. In other words you cant cram a .045 wire thru a .035 sheath. You will have to find a machine that will fit the flux core wire that's readily available to you. The nice thing about the new machines is all that stuff is available if you need to change something. But after you do all that changing of parts it will have been cheaper and easier to use gas and mig wire all along.

I got my lincoln electric flux mig at home de-pot for 350. Used it hard for 3 years now with no issues
