Misfiring issue.


I'm not ReZPunk
Help me Subaru Tuners of Maine, you are my only hope!

Well, I just got another sube wagon, 1.8L 5spd yada yada; with some minor stuff wrong with it, fixed a few issues in it.. Vacuum issue, new plugs, new coil, new fuel filter. But Im still haveing a misfiring issue, Its backfiring. I wouldnt think that plug wires would make cause that, but its the only thing I haven't changed yet in the Ignition. They looked pretty new, so I ask you STM, what else do I need to look for to resolve this issue

while its running Spray the wires and coil with warm soapy water or salt water and listen and look for external archs. Often the water will make a bad ignition component worse and you hear the engine run worse and see lil bolts of lightning try to escape the wires or coil. If the water doesn't make it worse then you need to check timing (backfiring makes me believe timing is off)

Check the timing on the belt

On the 2.2s there are peep wholes in the timing cover so you can turn the crank and see in there. Not sure if the 1.8s have those. If not you can remove the belts and timing cover to check it all. See if both cam sprockets point straight up and line up with the lines on the head, if the do then remove the crank damper and look to see if the dash on the crank sprocket line up with the dash on the block.

just make double dang sure you DID actually lick that vacuum issue. there's one particularly pesky little vac line on rear left-hand side of inake--it's pencil thin and if it's off, it causes a wicked misfire and backfire. It's easy to miss under stock intake plumbing.

Mine did that when I accidentially tore the inside of a plug wire.

pap! pap! pap!

I just told everyone it was anti-lag.


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