my 08 rex is breathing easier.....literally


New member
just got a K&N drop in for the wrx. didnt want to mess around with a cold air and having to remap or anything. anyone know my hp gains off of this? if any? thanks guys

Approximately 0-2hp.

Hey, at least you don't have to change your air filter for a long time!

No drop-in filter is going to change your power level to any degree that you will actually notice.

Don't have to remap with a cold air - except for maybe remapping your right foot to take advantage of wastegate whoosh awesomeness.

Still, though - your car thanks you for the sweet filter, and your wallet will too after about 50k. Good call!

my suggestion is get another one. that way when it comes time to clean dont have to wait can drop the other one in and go. and you can properly clean and dry the other one at your own pace.

my suggestion is get another one. that way when it comes time to clean dont have to wait can drop the other one in and go. and you can properly clean and dry the other one at your own pace.
Good idea. I only have one, and I tend to get a CEL after cleaning it, especially on wet days. The filter oil gets all over the MAF.

This is my clean routine:

Get to work

Pull filter

get coffee

spray cleaner shiz on filter

rinse and repeat as needed

put filter on rack to dry

set reminder in outlook

<lunchtime> spray first light coat (from the outside of the filter(the non MAF side))

let soak for an hour

spray second coat

Third if needed

Install & go home

never a CEL, just really light coats. 80k on this filter so far with cleanings every other oil change.

heres what i did to make mine breath a little better. also added a k&n drop in.

the whole process took me about 45mins to an hour. most of the time was spent figuring out where to cut before i did something permenant. then i also had to do a little work to make it secure.

first pic shows the set up in my car. i did a full front removal, and rotated it upwards. and then reinstalled the snorkle. i used a sharp utility knife, and paitence to cut the areas of the box i wanted off. you may be able to do it easier with a power tool but i didnt want to risk slipping,and messing something up. this took longer, but it is cut cleanly, and it almost looks stock. i also used a straight edge and a sharpie marker to mark the box all out first, then cut.


this next pic shows the amount that i have the box rotated upwards. if you can see the little notch in the air box tube near the hose clamp, that used locates itself with a square nub that was on the airbox. you can see that nub slightly back from the location hole. i had to shave the nub in half cause it didnt have a hole to locate into anymore. hope that makes sense. take look under your hood and you will see what im talking about.


this last picture shows the amount its rotated upwards.... and it also shows how i secured the box to the car. after the choping the box in half, and rotating it upwards it removed both of the mounting points. so it was just floating there and bouncing on the air box tube. if you look closely you can see the silver nut on the inside lip of the airbox. that is the new mounting point to hold it tightly to the car. i utilized a bolt and nut that was originally used to hold on a mounting bracket for the air box. i removed the bracket, and drilled a hole the same size as the bolt and pushed the airbox on and tightened the nut. only thing i might do is add a couple washers to that bolt behind the air box to space it away from the body,if it has enough room. bolts not too long.


its a fun little project. the sound is great. you can really hear the turbo spool up and then the BPV blow off. if you wanna do this, i can help. or anyone with a LGT.

wow, i will give you credit for this one nate. im very interested in doing this. did you drill a hole to bolt it to the body? or is there a oem hole already there? and are you interested in doing another? im in bangor but ill travel (gas still cheaper than a new CAI) haha. let me know. thanks, mike

wow, i will give you credit for this one nate. im very interested in doing this. did you drill a hole to bolt it to the body? or is there a oem hole already there? and are you interested in doing another? im in bangor but ill travel (gas still cheaper than a new CAI) haha. let me know. thanks, mike
yah i can do it again, no problem. should be easy to do a second time... and no there isn't a hole there, i had to drill it. i didnt have to drill a hole in the body, just the air box. and then i used a permenent bolt that is already on the body once you remove a not used bracket. may be confusing, but its easy. i have all the tools to do it, just let me know when you might want to do it.

the only thing im worried about is the whole warranty issue. they may not like seeing that airbox cut in half. but i was thinking maybe i can buy that piece that would be cut and then i can just switch it out as needed for service at the dealer.

this is just the same as buying a short ram intake,only less. cause its actually not going to flow any more air then the stock air box tube will flow. it just mimicks he sound. as for your warrenty frights. they can NOT deny a claim unless they can directly link the problem to something you have modified. they cant deny a claim on your paint job, or your car not keping an alignment if you have your air box modified. now if you have a problem with your car running bad or a blown motor..... you may want to switch out to some stock parts before you go driving your car into the dealership.... but that's the same with any performance parts. even if your motor was doomed to explode from the day you drive it off the lot, they will question things more if you have performance parts on it. it may be some to do with the parts... and some to do with them questioning your driving habits. but if they tried to deny some other claim cause of your cut up airbox, then i would tell them to eat poo and fix the F-in problem.

i drove my car into evergreen subaru the other day for an oil change and one the the guys there was checking it out. he liked it.... :headbang:

my suggestion is get another one. that way when it comes time to clean dont have to wait can drop the other one in and go. and you can properly clean and dry the other one at your own pace.
Good idea. I only have one, and I tend to get a CEL after cleaning it, especially on wet days. The filter oil gets all over the MAF.

you're adding too much oil if it's coming off. you should have just enough on it so that it barely wets a newspaper pressed against it... not enough to saturate it.


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