That's interesting you had a problem there. I went to get gas there, and they had black tape over the "pay inside" button, so I tried to pump the gas but it wouldn't...sooooo....I walk inside and tell the guy I'm on pump 5 or whatever. He goes "You have to pump first and then pay." So I said "Well, I tried that but it's not on." He says "Just press the button." I'm all confused, so I go back out and press the button under the black tape and it comes up. I fill it up, and go back in to pay with my card and the two Shaw's coupons I have. The guy gets all huffy and says I was supposed to pre-pay with the coupons........I just walked over to the other counter and had the other guy finish.
I had an issue with an idiot over at the Westbrook Irving,too. I went in to pay and told the guy I had $20.01 on pump 6. He's all flustered and is like "Are you sure? I don't see it anywhere." I said 'Yeah, I checked. It's the black Acura on the corner." And I pointed to it (I could see it). He's like "Well, I can't see your car sir, and it doesn't show up here" in an accusatory voice. I just said "Ok, I'll go double-check and be right back". I had already waited in line to pay.
I came back in, waited for the lady in line to finish,and went back up to him and said "Yes, pump 6, $20.01". The OTHER attendant goes "Excuse me,sir, this guy was waiting to pay!" And that guy is looking at me like "Umm, excuse me?". I just looked up and said "I was already IN here to pay, I went out to double-check for this guy that I told him the right pump,which I did" The other guy in line is still looking at me like I cut in front of him. I said "Go right ahead if you want,man", but he didn't. The guy figured out whatever he did wrong and found it, but it's like...why do I have to stand in line again because I went to help this guy out because he was having a problem, and being a dick to me?
I think the Shaw's coupons are driving these people insane. Nobody knows what they are doing on either end, and they can't explain it to you in clear terms.