not to hack on mr rawfuel, but why o why do ppl badmouth scooby gearboxes so much? your trans "only" lasted ~10 years and who knows how many miles....not to mention the high likelihood of "sporty" shifts pretty much every inch of the way.
so...corvettes eat trannies, mustangs do, DSMs do, and well, so do WRXes. based on 10 years of observing the scooby tuner scene, I believe that the 'shortcomings" of the WRX trans has less to do with inherent mechanical weakness and more to do with rushed shifts into and out of second gear, usu made worse by habitually rushing those shifts with the clutch not quite totally disengaged.
has this car by chance been autocrossed? wrx boxes need a half-beat in between upshifts and downshifts, and when they are hurried by drivers seeking lightswitch-quick AX style shifts (not only out between the cones but in dd use too), well, they don' like it.
what is so horrible about installing another stock'll probly "only" last another 10 anybody actually going to keep a bugeye going that long?!
[[[[multiple peace sign smileys go here]]]] this post is more about general WRX trans discussion and not pointing finger at rawfuel OK!