Neighbors encounter with Mr. Block


New member
My neighbor saw him late yesterday walking off to a corner, probably to pass out.... He asked him if he did not mind signing on more autograph...

Ken Block turned around, pulled out a tired smile and signed the t-shirt for problems no questions asked.

Props to him for taking the extra few seconds to make my neighbor a bigger fan and earn a ton of resepct from him as well.



New member
I met him as well and had multiple run-ins with him over my three day visit... I have nothing bad to say, he even knew where my Uncles lives in RSF CA....



New member
My daughter was impressed.




New member
That is an awesome pic of UR offspring and Ken Block...

It was relly really kewl to see a person of his stature (pro-athlete & successful business man) realize who ahnd what it is that pays his bills. The guy is a superstar in the driving/racing arena, he doesn't need to make himself accesable to the fans, he actually seeems to enjoy the interaction. and certainyl knows the importance of positive media to help drive DC shoes.

My wife got a couple great pixx of him with his wife and family and it was kewl to see his daughter running around supporting daddy with oneof his shorts and the monster green ribbons in her hair..
