NER Legal helmet?


New member

Does the "SJ" define they saftey rating? ???

let me know so I can bid on it!

see the faint "M95" letters outlined in the background? that means M rated (Motorcycle) helmet, 1995. That's old. NER might accept it for rallyX / autox only, but won't for long. They may well require 2000 rated helmets already. will give you the latest scoop on helmets

for anything other than rallyx, you'd need A rated (Auto) 2000 or newer

that helmet is pretty dated. you'd be lucky to get more than one season out of it.

guess what I'm saying is, don't cheap out on your "cranial prophylactic"

unless, of course, you got a cheap brain :-

Dave G

SA95 or M95 is the last year helmet you can use, 95 meaning the year this model and brand was tested by Snell.

Snell 1995 (SA95, M95, or K98) or newer labeled helmets are approved

for use. This is a minimum standards for use in RallyCross, other

approved helmets are:

1. British Standards: BS 6658-85 type A/FR, including all


2. SFI Foundation, Inc; SFI Spec 31.1

directly from the rallyx rules, kids


What size do you need. I have an OMP/AGV SA95 with tara-phone set up. It a little dinged up but has never been droped. I think its a small.

yeah yeah I know, i'm a pin head


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