new dedicated engine/projekt room.


Active member

;D ;D ;D

finally found a use for the room that's been basically storage for the last 6 months. i'm gonna cover the desk in 2 layers of cardboard so i dont need to worry about messing it up.

and my 50ft air hose will reach in the window from the air compressor so i can have air tools in there ;D

Rental?? ?? ?? ??
yeah. i wont have any fluids in anything until its in the car anyway.

the block is empty and the only other fluid-bound item i would deal with is heads, and they're empty of fluids as soon as you take them off the motor. theres spray paint too, but that doesn't spill.

spray paint will cover everything in that room ^-^so hope you have a lot of covers and a big fan ;D


this is the twins at the beginning of the day today. desk is a lot more full than it used to be :

