new night pics, better this time.


Active member
these are all at 3am, dead of night, and with no photoshopping.





That's some crazy moon-age. Great pics!

Mikebike, is that the "portable sun" from your neighborhood in pic one?

i've tried that before, but with such long shutter speeds they tend to get blown out and blurry looking. the best solution is to have someone in the car turn them on for a few seconds, but i didnt have a second person.

You couldn't get someone to go out at 3am and take pictures of your car with you ?? Sarcasm, Evan.

They are nice pix. Stay in bed dude.

i've tried that before, but with such long shutter speeds they tend to get blown out and blurry looking. the best solution is to have someone in the car turn them on for a few seconds, but i didnt have a second person.
take your keyfob, and lock/unlock the doors...

Nice pics regardless.

unfortunately my lights dont blink when i arm/disarm, just the horn honk. i could set the camera for a 10sec timer and run to the car before the shutter opens, then count till it closes. its just kind of a grandma when i'm doing a bunch of exposures.

unfortunately my lights dont blink when i arm/disarm, just the horn honk. i could set the camera for a 10sec timer and run to the car before the shutter opens, then count till it closes. its just kind of a grandma when i'm doing a bunch of exposures.

Ghetto. :-[
