New Pictures from Work!


Yay, i love my job, except having to work on stinky french airplanes (AIRBUS FTL)

jk french people.

so yea, just another night in the hanger.

pictures are of one engine (CFM56)

and the brakes, 10 piston monsters that gotta be replaced once a month. (300lbs each )






i have a few choice snap-on tools, however majority are craftsman, (i only go with them because they are the same return policy without the hassle of the tool van dude)

im gonna try to snap some better pix tonite.

I used to use all craftsman, but they kept breaking. I was at sears everyweek returning broken tools. My snapon guy is cool and lives near my work, so I can catch him any time. How long have you been turning wrenches?

I'm driving a beechjet 400A and before that a Hawker 800XP, I have a shitty maintenance department that pencil-whips discrepancies.

Come work on my bird when it breaks and I'll buy you beer ;D

I had a dream the other night...

I was sitting in a jet on the runway, waiting to take off, when Nailman and this other dude comes into view. They are pushing an engine on a cart like it was made of styrofoam. They walk up, pull a few clips and the old engine pops out. They each get on a side and slide the new one into place. Snap the clips and take the old engine away. No testing, nothing.

The the pilot says "Ok, now we're ready for take off"

I woke up a little shaken.

I like being french.....canaidian, left handed, bad eye sight, and 1 and 1/2 lungs......damnit.....Im so screwed.
