Ok,there's a MILF.....

Car Whore

New member
...but is she a GMILF? A GGMILF??? Even with all the work done,I can't believe a 76 year old woman can look this good!!!!! (some NSFW...she was in Playboy recently....!!!)Don't be scared by the Anna Nicole pic at the beginning,either-



Not work safe

She puts her make up on with one of these.


evan said:
and now the inevitable question, why are you looking at grandma porn?
I was wondering the same thing. She's a damn senior citizen for crying out loud! Not work safe? Not eyeball safe!
Nah, it's not that bad, I just felt kinda gross knowing how old she is.

No,I'm not into grandma porn.Someone posted it over at NASIOC,so I thought you sickos would get a kick out of it.Yeah,it's kinda gross,but if you didn't know her age,what would you guess? I'd say mid-late 50s at the most.

Yeah,it is kinda disturbing I guess,but at least she doesn't appear to look like one of the women in the Black Hole Sun video...
