

Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
So I am getting a catted down pipe for my FXT to hopefully solve my boost creep issue. I can either buy a new ERZ catted DP for 299 shipped, or there is someone that has a nearly new Perrin catted DP that he will sell for 250. The only thing with the Perrin is I have to drive to almost NH to get it, so after gas, I'll be looking at at about 300. Should I just get the new ERZ, or go driving for the Perrin??

Well, not many responded, but I'll be makin a trip down to Kittery tomorrow night!! Perrin it is!!

The guy you're buying from doesn't happen to drive an '07 STi Limited, does he? If so, he's a good guy.

Just got back a little while ago from getting the Perrin catted down pipe. What a ****ty drive in the rain and dark!! And it didn't help that he got caught up and was 2 hours late!! So I sat at Kittery Trading Post for 2 hours waiting!! But hopefully it will all be worth it!!

you didn't go in to kittery trading post?

and i should have seen this thread earlier. i drove home to mass for the weekend, i could have picked this up for you =/

No I didn't go in, I was going to, but wasn't sure when he'd show up, and yeah that would have been cool!!! But oh well. Hopefully I'll get it installed soon!!

Perrin catted for $250 is a hell of a deal... anything wrong with it? Seems like it's too good to be true at that price

It worked!!! I still have a slight amount of creep, but it doesn't overboost!!!!! Finally I can enjoy my VF39 swap in my Forester!!!
