Pic loading issue


Subaru Ambassador- AdidaSubarus
So I have never had any issue loading a pic here before, but I am today. I can load the pic from my computer to a few other sites, but not to my profile on here. And even when I try to use the other sites address to load it on here it won't work. I have done both of these on several occasions, but like I said, today it says there is an error when I try to load it from my computer to my gallery. Whats up with that??

I have loaded it to 2 other sites without any issue, but it just won't load here. The new pic loading thing seems to not be working.

I just tried another pic, and it's the same. It seems there must be an issue with loading pics on here right now

LOL yeah I know how to do it, it's just weird. I just tried loading a pic on here that I just loaded the other day and for some reason today it just didn't work

Maybe. I dunno whats wrong. I just tried to load to photobucket and it woudn't work. It said there was a network error

I even just tried loading it directly from my sd card to here and it wouldn't work. I have no clue whats goin on!!!! But like I said, I was able to load it to two other sites without any issues

If it wouldn't load to Photobucket either, then it seems to be an error on your end.

I will tell you that we have file sizes set low for image attachment and what not. I just host them myself on Photobucket. Could it jts have been too big of a file size?

No because I tried to load a pic that I had already loaded the other day. So yeah, I guess something is wrong on my end. I just have no idea what!!!
