Porting job: started


Active member
i still wish there were a better place to post car/engine build updates, but oh well, here they are.

i started porting a spare set of ej205 heads today. one cyl is roughly done, some fine tuning tomorrow when i go to to a finer grit wheel. the stock casting and machining is actually quite nice. i've seen many other car manufacturers' heads have very abrupt corners and transitions due to casting variances.





That is looking great. 8) Are you doing this at your work or home with your own tools? Will you be swapping your 200k heads with these nice and shiny ones?

yeah most of the work is just done with a simple air die grinder w/ the standard abrasives porting kit. i'll be using the heads with the complete new motor i'll be putting in.

i'll be parting out or selling whole the complete wrx engine setup, except for turbo and wiring harness when i do the swap.

dude theres a way easier way to do that! just start the engine and pour some fine grit sand down the intake. nice polish with out all the work!

looks good though man, wish i had the means to do something like that!
