Put your shopping Cart in the Cart home


New member
I went to The Christmas Tree shop today, and I saw this sweet Cadillac. It was a late 80's silver Allante/Paninfarina. They did a thingy on History Channel about these and how they were supposed to boost Cadillac's name and compete with Mercedes yada, yada, yada... They sucked. FWD, Heavy, HP was only up to 295 during the last couple years of production. Anywho, I still think they're a cool looking car, though little credit should go to Caddy as the body was designed and built by Carozzeria Paninfarina (Ferrari and so on).


So I parked next to it, went inside and when I came back out the car was gone and there was a LOVING shopping cart right in front of my car. If there's one thing I hate, it's watching people empty their shopping carts without putting them in the Corral, or whatever that thing is, especially when it's directly across from them, BUT I have never had someone PLACE their shopping cart in front of my car. If up until this point you haven't



New member
How dare you ask these lazy pricks to take care of their carts! ;D I know how you feel people are getting worse about everything, to lazy to put crap back, to lazy to park in an actual spot(park in the fire lanes), won't move aside when your walking down the isle in the store.

Let me know when and I'll go with yeah and beat some lazy arse!



Both Gabe and I always put OTHER PEOPLE'S carts back when we arrive at a shopping center. We can't stand having carts around our stuff... not only that but sometimes the cart people who "take care" of the carts aren't very respectful of their surroundings.

And of course we puts ours back too when done.



Both Gabe and I always put OTHER PEOPLE'S carts back when we arrive at a shopping center. We can't stand having carts around our stuff... not only that but sometimes the cart people who "take care" of the carts aren't very respectful of their surroundings.

And of course we puts ours back too when done.
I used to push them around with the 4Runner.



New member
the carts in the new Hannaford's here in Camden have little rubber bumpers on the outer edges.

less damage to the cars that way from clueless cart parkers

less damage to the carts that way when you bunt them around with the F250 >



New member
USM Ty Ty and I used to work at the Best of Buys, and one of our jerbs was to go out periodically and pick up the carts that the lazy twits couldn't be bothered to return. Because of that job, I now make it a point to return the cart at least to the coral thing. I know that's the minimum, but still - I've done it, and it sucks.



I would never rely on the security of the plastic bumper gaurds... cause think of it this way. They get scuffed up on a metal rack in the store, now there's this big huge piece of plastic hanging off of it and a few other bumps too... and wooops- there is goes down the side of your car. Enjoy the lovely scratches.

Yeah, just keep carts away from vehicles. LOL ;D



Evergreen Auto Spa
I like to ride the cart like a scooter. Full of groceries, you can pick up some pretty good speed.



Stage -11ty
I like to ride the cart like a scooter. Full of groceries, you can pick up some pretty good speed.
Who are you kidding? You have to ride the cart like a scooter 'cause you can't reach the handle and touch the ground at the same time! >

Just kidding, I like to ride the cart like a scooter too.



New member
I like to ride the cart like a scooter. Full of groceries, you can pick up some pretty good speed.
true story.

was wheeling my ex thru parking lot in a shopping cart, things got going kind of quick and then there was this storm drain...

broke her forearm. :

she was good about it and didn't whack me with her one usable wing.



I like to ride the cart like a scooter. Full of groceries, you can pick up some pretty good speed.
true story.

was wheeling my ex thru parking lot in a shopping cart, things got going kind of quick and then there was this storm drain...

broke her forearm.


New member
that's funny, I was on patrol years ago and watched a girl get a running start and jump up on the cart, it kicked out she put her hands down and broke both wrists. I had to call an ambulance, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath! >
OK the ambulance was for her but it did take me a minute to compose myself.


Ty Ty

New member
USM Ty Ty and I used to work at the Best of Buys, and one of our jerbs was to go out periodically and pick up the carts that the lazy twits couldn't be bothered to return.


New member
is that why she was an ex?
would have been nice (and probly cheaper) if it were that simple. married 16 years before it ended.

the shopping cart crash happened before we were even married. let's just say that red wine was at least partially to blame for that particular wreck.
