various escorts for many years, generally with good results
a note for nategr8's radar dossier---main prob with detectors is that you THINK you are covered, and usually you are
however, if the officer is using instant-on radar, and he's sneaky about it, all the warning does is tell you that you just got busted.
only real defense against instant-on is hoping you hear the officer painting another car up the road someplace. if the officer is savvy and you are sticking out in traffic haulin ass, he shoots you fair n square and it's bye bye bye.
I got nailed once in SC by an officer laying low in the median over a crest. evidently my bright red Civic Si going 96 in the 'slow lane' stuck out like a sore thumb.
I heard the radar and was like, *****!" So I pulled over and complimented the officer on his stealth...and he was laughing, 'this is like deer huntin, I love it. the quarry is smart, but not always as smart as they think!" We had a good chuckle over that, and he gave me the write-up for 66 in a 55 --decent dude.