Read this and tell me what I am supposed to get:

which one?

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The zp131 upgrade kit contains the following: 2 drums of zp131, 4 gallons of zb60 clear, 2 1/2 gallons each of zb60 cyan, magenta, yellow
Does that mean I am getting:


2 Drums of zp131

4 Gallons of zb60 clear

2 1/2 galons of yellow

2 1/2 galons of magenta

2 1/2 galons of cyan



2 Drums of ZP131

4, gallon jugs of zb60 clear

2, half gallon jugs of yellow

2, half gallon jugs of magenta

2, half gallon jugs of cyan

hehheh...good old writtOn Engrish rangwedge, shortest possible route to misunderStandings :BangHead:

sounds like you get 2.5 gal each of C M, & Y

This on top of:

Mazdaspeed telling me that I need $23 worth of specialty nuts to go with my camber bolts (they are included with the bolts)

Bilstein confirming that the coilover sleeves that they sell are a set for 4 corners (it is a kit for one corner)

Bistein confirming that said coilover sleeves fit on the miata shocks (they don't rest in the correct spot because of the one snapring groove is too high and they don't want to stand by their word)

insurance dragging their effing feet fixing my damn car (month 8 now)

My ATT wireless card getting 7Kbps speeds and then chargning me the full rate for the 10 days I had it while I spent 4hrs on the phone with their tech support trying to fix the problem. (now have verizon with 1200Kbps)

but this one takes the cake because my boss read the effing add they sent us with this offer to upgrade our equipment. Damn that's a decent deal. now.. umm yeah no deal at all. 3 effing weeks to get the PO paperwork in order and get this all together and approved for the budjet since these materials would last us untill the end of the year.

Now I am effing pissed.

no / rant here. I need a nap.

Oh and the so called "Perfect Brakes" order that I placed.. the effing sent me the stuff for the 03-05 WRX's and then argued with me about it for a good few min.

they agreed to send the right stuff along with a call tag for the stuff they sent me.. well I got the call tag and not the stuff.. called them and they said that they would 2Day air the rear rotors, F/R pads to me so I would have it all on Wed... well guess what M-cookieer.. it is thursday and I still don't have the raisin that I placed an order for on the effing 11th of may..

called today .. June2.. that is when my order is getting here.. JUNE LOVING 2'nd!

fudge this I need a nap.

wow.. they just called me back and they are sending the supplies..

and Mazdaspeed is taking back the extra parts on their dime.

ok.. /rant

but I still need a nap.

I'm glad we don't go through that much ink at work, heh. particularly since at least one color is always on backorder no matter what place I call.

I didn't really get anything from your link.. then I clicked on this one:

Same company and same technology. only ours is double the size and prints in full color (4 print heads)
