




I'm considering this my first warning. Most of you probably have a month or so, but I'm putting my snow tires on by the 17th-18th at the latest. I'd rather put them on when the weather is half decent instead of waiting and doing it in the snow or cold.

there forcasting snow showers in southern maine for saturday, so i think it's time to swap out my UHP summers i mean it's a scooby but.. that only counts for so much hahaha

My new snows are getting mounted on my rallyX wheels next week. I'll put them on when there's snow on the ground.

i think this weekend the steels with all seasons are going on until i have the money to get my all seasons mounted on my 16's. it's getting a little cold and the threat of snow this weekend.

All swapped out. The parking lot at work 12:15am was a sheet of ice and we had to scrape our windshields. Felt good to be on the winter tires on the ice.

All swapped out. The parking lot at work 12:15am was a sheet of ice and we had to scrape our windshields. Felt good to be on the winter tires on the ice.
nice!! I was having a blast in the rain this morning on the way to work ;D

I'd rather put them on when the weather is half decent instead of waiting and doing it in the snow or cold.
yes, this approach is superior to switching out your snows after the car has bonced outa the ditch a couple times while trying to prove that summer tires suck in snow.

I don't have snow tires yet... got the wheels, but no tires.

I'll have 'em soon enough though and I don't usually put them on until after turkeyday anyhow.

I just saw that there's a 30% chance of snow flurries on Saturday in SoPo. I was hoping to make it till later in the month but oh well. My driveway was a sheet of black ice this morning... heavy frost plus all the moisture from yesterday's rain.

I'm not very trusting of the Kumho Ecsta ASx's eventhough they're supposedly "all seasons"... maybe in Florida.

I put our snow tires on this morning. Got bored, so I figured what the heck. I kinda hate putting them on too early and runnin' 'em on tarmac a lot. But I decided, better to wear them a little premature than have 'em in the basement when it does snow. Especially for the first couple of storms that are almost always slushy.

Although running half bald all ski-sen tires does have its

Its so much easier to go



I have the"all season" yoko V4's and they are "all season" until it snows. I find it amazing every year how my almost bald blizzacks do better in the snow then my new enough "all Seasons" do
