rock climbing

i guess?

Ummm, no it isn't

Those guys <were> a rescue crew either doing an actual rescue or a practice one. I caught some of the audio but not all of it.

So...they were there because it was their JOB

Ummm, no it isn't
'Zactly. I was under the impression that this was the "Funny Stuff" forum.

Lifeless bodies tumbling down a mountain = not so funny. (I called TBS to confirm.

That's like putting the videotaped be-heading in here... it's just not funny. Now, if the climbers had broken their fall within the first 25 or so feet, and immediately had gotten up and yelled at somebody for the mistake - that would be alright. But they collided with each other, the mountain and a ton of rocks/trees/etc... not so funny.

but i like rock climbing.

rock gyms are fun but not the same as real rock.

i did a climb one summer in Bar Harbor out at otter cliffs.

we set up 4 routes each pretty challenging. we could show videos of car crashes and we will still drive. accidents happen.

#1 rule in mountain rescue is, "don't have the rescuers become extra victims" :

I have climbed rock snow and ice all over the world for 30+ years, lost a lot of friends and ppl I knew. It's a dangerous game. Rally seems much safer.

Sad thread, kinda sorry I checked in on it.. :-

I used to climb while in the military, lead climb classes, instruct, ice, free climb (not so much). I've seen people bounce. I really don't understand the challenge but people love the sport. I like hiking type climbing...such as only needing your hands occasionally. But dangling by a chalk or by your fist jammed into a crack never was fun for me. Laying on ice all day isn't fun for me either.

Removed link so others aren't sickened. But remember, death happens, make sure it doesn't happen to you too early.
