Sandblast 2007

I could probably fill in SOME of the blanks in Pedro's schedule, because I was awake when he was asleep and vice versa... but overall he has it just about right.

Good times were had. Would certainly do it again, with one exception... a more active role in the rally. sitting on my corner for a dog's age was not my idea of a day well spent... or at least stay together for the day so we have company...

I'll post my pics later.

I could probably fill in SOME of the blanks in Pedro's schedule, because I was awake when he was asleep and vice versa... but overall he has it just about right.

Good times were had. Would certainly do it again, with one exception... a more active role in the rally. sitting on my corner for a dog's age was not my idea of a day well spent... or at least stay together for the day so we have company...

I'll post my pics later.
That's rally :
There were about enough workers to cover one stage at MFR. and that was for the whole rally!

and I don't think I slept much.

Did I mention that Pedro hits people in his sleep? He punched me twice, threw a camera at me, and sawed more wood than a canadian lumberjack. >

Judging by all the places named Pedro, you musta felt at home.

TPH, does your buddy own the place, or a place in that place? That's quite the piece of real estate.

Any notable weapons running the course?

That pic I think you are referring to is a condo building. It is the old American Cigar company building. He is a friend of mine from college.

There was a fresh 06 nosed STi with mucho boost and equal length headers. fast as hell but got caught up by a badly taped up part of the course.

There was an arrow marking a turn in ~50' and inbetween the arrow and the turn there was a small trail. he went down it as did the car in front of him. He was caught in the middle and lost a ton of time.

i didn't know that your impreza came with warp drive(last pic)


Yes, with all the vinyl I have on there, she can fly like no other. ;D

fast? what do you mean by "fast"? you don't think we actually broke the speed limit this weekend, do you? >
