Sanford Sound Car Show


Well-known member

just seeing if anyone else wants to go, i went last year with some friends and it wasnt to bad.

Make mike and the fresh kid go and make sure he fixes it first. Reminding you ahead of time!!!!

If my car is fixed by then I am deff. going down! Maybe I can meet with some people and drive up? I am leaving Waterville to head up on Sunday, if anyone would like to ride up with me please text: 207 - six two 0 - 2 two 5 8

Live in Waterboro, so this is a a total yes for me to go down as long as I dont have to work.

$25 bucks to show your car just an fyi

After all the years the price never stopped me from going. I just park my car in the show and never register. lol Like I need another trophy collecting dust at my house.

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yea, i dont anticipate winning anything, figured it be a cool little meet. do we want to setup a meet spot and ride down together or just meet at the show?
